Leader Driver

With a clear vision of your leadership drivers and blockers, the resulting insights can help you develop a much more comprehensive, practical set of intended actions. Change is always difficult. Leveraging consciousness to shed light on both positive and negative psychological forces at play greatly increases your odds of success.

  • Emotional intelligence, in other words, is a critical driver for effective leaders. It is defined as the ability to know and handle ourselves and our relationships, and includes the competencies of self-awareness, self-management, motivation, empathy and social skills. All of these apply directly to leaders: Self-Awareness.
  • 36 Driver Business Leader Salaries in Terre Haute, IN provided anonymously by employees. What salary does a Driver Business Leader earn in Terre Haute?
  • Generally, leaders are most concerned with 5 key business drivers. If this is a new term for you, think of it this way: A business driver is a condition that enables an enterprise to become and remain successful. Leaders are hyper-aware of these and are responsible for maximizing results in each area.

Discover how you can create a clear and compelling vision to grow your organization in the latest book from New York Times Bestselling Author, Michael Hyatt.

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Are You Excited or Terrified for the Future?

You know you need to prepare for the future of your organization, but the future can feel big and foreboding.

How do you prepare? When will you find the time? What will the future even look like?

The future of your organization doesn’t have to fill you with fear. You can lead your organization into a better, more exciting future with a clear and compelling vision.

The Vision Driven Leader will help you grow your organization using a simple, attractive, inspiring, and practical vision of the future.

You need a vision script.

Take the free Vision Grader Assessment to determine whether your existing vision can help you grow your organization.

Most thought leaders will recommend you create a vision statement. You might already have a vision statement.

But you can’t capture all the possibility of the future in a single, pithy statement.

After reading The Vision Driven Leader, you’ll have all the tools you need to create a Vision Script™—a robust document you can use to share your vision within an organization.

Plus, with your book purchase, you’ll also get the free Vision Scripter tool to help you create your Vision Script with ease.

Vision Can Help You...

Focus Your Efforts

When you have a strong Vision Script, you’re clear about where you’re going. This acts as a filter to focus your strategy. Without it, leaders make short-range decisions to pursue opportunities that look good in the moment. Protect the time and effort of your team with a clear vision.

Energize Your Team

Our teams want a vision that requires their best effort, pushes them to innovate, and inspires their imagination. With a Vision Script, you can inspire your team to rise to the challenge and accomplish more than you ever thought possible.

Scale Your Business

Organizations that are prepared for the future are set up to seize opportunities, avoid costly mistakes, and create breakthroughs in their market. With a Vision Script that defines where you’re going, you can accelerate your growth and get there faster.

By Leadership Expert, Michael Hyatt

Michael Hyatt is the founder and CEO of Michael Hyatt & Company, a leadership development firm helping successful, but overwhelmed leaders focus so they win at work and succeed at life.

In his first business, Michael felt the pain of not having a clear vision. Because he and his business partner were unprepared for the future, a series of strategic missteps ended their business.

But when he rose to leadership at Thomas Nelson Publishers, Michael turned around his dying division, and led it to become the most profitable division in one of the worst economies of our country.

As the former chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers, and now the CEO of a fast-growing leadership development company, Michael knows the importance of vision. And in The Vision Driven Leader, he unveils his complete system for using vision to catapult your organization into a better future.

Praise for Michael Hyatt’s Previous Books

“The bridge between dreams and achievement is taking massive determined action. One reason so few of us achieve what we truly want is that we never direct our focus; we never concentrate our power. No one understands this better than Michael Hyatt, and he’s engineered a new, easy-to-follow approach to harness this power in his new book Free to Focus.”

TONY ROBBINS#1 New York Times bestselling author, Unshakeable

“Throughout your life, you’ll meet three types of leaders. The first inspires ambition, without results. The second improves results, but ignores the spirit. In Your Best Year Ever, Michael Hyatt proves he is the rare third type of leader—one who both raises our performance and lifts our soul.”

SALLY HOGSHEADNew York Times bestselling author Fascinate, How the World Sees You, and Radical Careering.

“Michael Hyatt is one of the best leaders I know, and I am excited that he’s written Free to Focus. Michael’s use of thorough testing and research, along with his proven track record as a leader of established and start-up companies, translates into a book that is full of insights and practical steps. Leaders rely on smart systems to help them lead in the office as well as at home, and Free to Focus provides the kind of system that every smart leader craves.”

JOHN C. MAXWELLAuthor, speaker, and leadership expert

“Say goodbye to #goalfailure once you learn Michael Hyatt’s Best Year Ever goal-setting system. His teaching is rooted in the best science available, and the proof is in the gritty, real-life stories of average people who have achieved extraordinary results.”

AMY PORTERFIELDHost, The Online Marketing Made EasyPodcast

“Michael Hyatt’s practical approach to productivity isn’t just another tactical guide filled with good ideas—it’s a comprehensive strategy for overhauling your life. It’s not just about getting more done, but getting the right things done—and that starts by knowing where you want to go.”

RUTH SOUKUPNew York Times bestselling author, Do It Scared
Leader Driver

“Michael Hyatt has written a smart, evidence-based, and often surprising treatise on how to set the right goals and then see them through to completion. A must-read for anyone looking to take systematic steps toward improving their life.”

CAL NEWPORTNew York Times bestselling author, Deep Work and Digital Minimalism
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“A fully customizable blueprint to achieve the design and execution of the life you want to live.”

CHALENE JOHNSONNew York Times bestselling author; CEO, Team Johnson

“You can either intentionally pursue the essential or you can unintentionally drift into the nonessential. This book brilliantly teaches how to do the former while avoiding the latter. Read it and live it—you will love it.”

GREG MCKEOWNNew York Times bestselling Author, Essentialism

“Michael Hyatt and Daniel Harkavy have much to teach us. In a world of random, often directionless lives, their lives stand out as examples of careers well chosen, time well used, and passion deeply heeded.”

MAX LUCADONew York Times bestselling Author, Fearless and Outlive Your Life

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Leading Drivers At Harrington

Order 1-9 Copies

  • Vision Sharing Guide: How to Get Your Team Onboard with Your Vision (Video and Guide - $147 value)
  • 20/20 Vision Kit - a guide with quotes, tips, and idea to help you have an unobstructed vision of what’s possible ($49 value)
  • The Vision Scripter - draft your Vision Script in just minutes with coaching videos from Michael Hyatt ($147 value)

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Order 10+ Copies

  • Vision Sharing Guide: How to Get Your Team Onboard with Your Vision (Video and Guide - $147 value)
  • 20/20 Vision Kit - a guide with quotes, tips, and idea to help you have an unobstructed vision of what’s possible ($49 value)
  • The Vision Scripter - draft your Vision Script in just minutes with coaching videos from Michael Hyatt ($147 value)
  • Recording of Michael’s Half-Day Vision Training ($497 value)

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Interested in a team training for your organization?Learn more

Plus get a free tool with your book purchase:

The Vision Scripter

With your book purchase, you’ll also get free access to The Vision Scripter. This unique tool will help you draft your Vision Script in just minutes with coaching videos from Michael Hyatt. Ordering The Vision Driven Leader will give you every tool you need to create a clear and compelling Vision Script you can use in your company.

For Church Leaders Needing Vision

Introducing a free tool, The Vision Driven Church Leader.

Vision is critical for leading your ministry today. But what does that process look like for creating and communicating a vision for your church? In this supplemental guide, Thom Rainer, former CEO of LifeWay and current CEO of Church Answers, and his son, Art Rainer, Vice President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, demystify vision for your church. Discover how to lead your ministry in vision inside The Vision Driven Church Leader.

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